Have you ever moved into a new place and had to decorate it from scratch? Start from the beginning. You basically have to take your space from the bare bones and transform it into something functional, livable, and hopefully beautiful. Did it feel overwhelming? If you’re like most people, it probably did. I know it was for me in the past. But, if you start with a Starter Piece, it makes everything move faster and is so much easier. Wondering what a Starter Piece is, then keep listening. Let’s get started…
What to listen for in this episode:
- Moving into a new home can feel very overwhelming, but how can we look at it in another way
- What is a starter piece and what are examples of some
- What should you do after you find your starter piece
- How trying too hard often leaves us empty handed when shopping for our homes
- How analysis paralysis impacts us and our designs. And what we can do instead.
Links and images:
Coastal Bathroom Remodel: Starter piece was the scalloped tile
FREE Resource: Room Design Starter Kit

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