Does it matter when you remodel your home? Is there a season or month that’s better than another? You might be wondering when is a good time to remodel and even asking yourself if now is a good time to start your project.
Every remodel and update has its own unique complications and challenges. And it makes sense that bigger remodels impact our lives more than updates that just involve new furniture accessories
The truth is that thet timing actually matters so listen in (or read on) to discover when is the best time to begin your home remodel and what you need to consider before starting your project.
And just to clarify…this episode is about indoor/interior remodels only, not outdoor remodels. Outdoor remodels have different timelines based on the weather in your area.
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Step 1: Figure out what rooms or spaces to remodel in your home first
Knowing what spaces or rooms you want to remodel in your home first is the first real decision you need to make. It makes sense, right? And while you, and my clients, might know where they want to start, often they don’t know all the possibilities there are or the considerations that should be factored in before starting.
The first step is to figure out what rooms you want to remodel as different spaces impact your lives differently. A kitchen or bathroom remodel is more complex and time consuming because they’re highly used and important spaces. If you remodel your bedroom you can likely sleep in a spare bedroom, or you remodel your family room you can lounge in other spaces.
But a kitchen is another story. Most of us don’t have a spare kitchen to use while renovating, right? The same goes for bathrooms. You may or may not have a spare bathroom to use while renovating so planning and timing everything is even more important.
Flooring is another challenging thing to upgrade because it involves moving furniture, and could be messy. Especially if you’re tearing up your existing floors. If you plan on adding flooring on top of exsiting tile, like with vinyl planks, there are some important things to think about such as having enough space under doors and existing appliances, base moldings, etc.
Pro tip: Even though it seems more complicated, it’s often better to update multiple spaces at once if you can rather than working on one space for 3-6 months and another space right after that. First, you might need the same contractors and they can combine services for a good deal. And second, you’re already under construction and the discomfort of that, so it might be easier to get it over with and done at one time.

Have a plan mapped out when you remodel your home
Every remodel or update, whether it involves construction or not involves planning. And when I say every, I mean EVERY.
You don’t go on a roadtrip without a map. You likely plan out your trip, where you’ll be stopping for snacks or bathroom breaks. Well, the same goes for our homes. We need to plan ahead before we start. Often, in our excitement to get things started and moving we don’t plan enough, but it’s key to take time to plan things out. It’ll save you money, as well as a lot of headaches, down the road.
The majority of contractors prefer when you, as the homeowner, have decisions made so their work isn’t delayed by indecisions and uncertaintly. Have decisions made and materials on site to keep the process moving forward.
When is a good month to remodel your home?
This is the magic question, and it comes down to an important part of any remodel which is working with contractors. You need to factor in their schedule and when they can work on your project. This is especially true with kitchens and bathrooms.
And contractors are often availabe for work in the winter. In full disclosure, the pandemic has made things a little crazy, but that’s starting to settle down a bit. If I had to say a specific month (or two) I’d say January and/or December. Why? Well like I said it’s the slower season for contractors. Fall months leading up to Thanksgiving tend to be really busy as everyone wants their home ready for the holidays. And some projects might not have made the Thanksgiving deadline and are shooting for December holidays but as the calendar gets closer to Christmas, many contractors have openings in their schedules.
Another reason why January is a slow month for most contractors, and even designers, is because everyone just paid for the holidays are getting over their financial hangover. They aren’t ready to start spending money yet until sometime in February or March when the holidays and New Year feel like a distant memory.

When NOT to remodel your home
I see this all the time and I’m going to say this is not the ideal time…right before you sell your home. Now, I understand why people update their homes when selling. You can hopefully sell your home quicker and at a higher price. But, I want YOU to enjoy your home own and the updates you do to it. I don’t just want you to make your home great for the next person. I want it to be great for you. Don’t you deserve to enjoy your updated beautiful space?
Tips to remodel your home
Here are a few short tips when remodeling your home:
- Make a plan for pets. The stress of a remodel is hard on them due to the noise and extra people coming and going
- If you’re remodeling your kitchen make a plan for cooking and food storage. Stock up on paper plates and cups, get the grill ready to cook or buy a portable burner to boil or saute items, and have a microwave ready (if you use one)
- If you work from home, find alternative locations to work during loud parts of demo and construction.
- Plan a vacation to avoid some of the chaos and demo.
- For large remodels you may want to move out into a rental for a couple of months. If you’ve hired a designer like me, we’ll check in with the project and make sure it’s going well. Or if you have a good relationship with your contractors you can trust them to go in and out and monitor things.
Final thoughts...
Even though living through construction and remodels can be challenging, the end results are so worth it. Remember to do the work first and prepare to make things go as smoothly as possible. Problems will inevitably come up, but you’ll be better able to deal with them with good planning.
If you’re thinking about a remodel or home update, please reach out so I can help you. A design consultation will help you prepare and get your project started right. It’s a simple, but vital part of the process to help you avoid expensive design mistakes and frustration.
Start the process by scheduling your complimentary discovery call so I can hear about your project and decide which service is right for you.
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